• Atopic Dermatitis

    OVERVIEW: Have you recently experienced dry patches of skin that are red, inflamed, and extremely itchy? You may have atopic dermatitis or eczema and require a consultation from a licensed medical professional or dermatologist. Here's everything you need to know about the causes, symptoms, and treatment

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  • Basal Cell Carcinoma

    OVERVIEW: Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer that dermatologists detect and diagnose in the United States each year. In fact, basal cell carcinoma is the most frequently occurring form of all cancers. Knowing the signs and symptoms of basal cell carcinoma can help with early

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  • Best Candidates for Dermaplaning

    OVERVIEW If your face has been looking a little dull and lackluster lately, a session of dermaplaning may be right for you. This popular cosmetic procedure is non-invasive, quick, and results in a brighter complexion, as well as smoother-looking skin. Here's what you need to know about dermaplaning,

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  • Birthmarks/Pigmented Skin

    OVERVIEW Most people have at least one birthmark, and for the majority of people, they are nothing more than a minor cosmetic concern. For some, however, their birthmark can be a source of self-consciousness or even embarrassment. What is a Birthmark? A birthmark is a mark or blemish present on the skin

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  • Blisters

    OVERVIEW A blister is a raised area of the skin filled with fluid. Blisters can occur on any part of the body and can be extremely painful and debilitating. Many people believe blisters are nothing more than a nuisance, but this is not always the case. Blisters can lead to other more serious injuries

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  • Body Toning Treatments

    OVERVIEW Body toning treatments are becoming increasingly popular. People are always excited to hear that there is a chance that they can handle their saggy skin, wrinkles, or aging skin with a treatment that will make their skin better than ever. These toning treatments can be done in various ways,

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  • Boils

    OVERVIEW A boil, also known as a furuncle, is a localized skin infection characterized by a red, tender bump. The spot tends to grow in size, filling with pus and becoming more painful quickly. Over time, the boil can develop a pustule (whitehead) and drain. When it drains, the boil might leave a small,

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  • Botulinum Toxin Therapy

    OVERVIEW: Are you experiencing unwanted wrinkles or excessive sweating? A botulinum toxin therapy session with us might be just what you need. Here's everything you need to know about botulinum toxin therapy and its use in dermatology. What is Botulinum Toxin Therapy? Botulinum toxin therapy, or Botox

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